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Contestants will be judged on the following criteria:

1) Vocal Performance (score up to 10 points)
Did they sound like the king or whimper like a mouse… did they remember the lyrics?

2) Costume & appearance (score up to 10 points)
Was any effort made? How is their hair-do? Any make-up or special props- was their costume rented or made with loving care to detail?

3) Stage presence: (score up to 10 points)
How did they act on stage? Did they perform any moves that drove the crowd crazy - did they work on a special routine? Did they have any back-up singers, dancer’s or anything else that was outstanding?

4) Audience response (score up to 5 points)
Was the applause lukewarm, warm, hot or red hot? The crowd decides this one!

You can get 35 points maximum. We tally up the scores and announce the winners about 30 minutes after the contestant portion of the show is completed.

At the end of the evening all contestants will perform one song on stage together - a mass gathering of the "Elvi"!

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